Monday, 17 October 2011

Janice Nadeau

Following the most recent post, it seems necessary to state that with my change in ways, come a change in interest. Janice Nadeau uses a range of mediums within her work. Her most recent are primarily watercolour. Although her work for the book above, differs somewhat, it fascinates me. Hand made, drawn, painted. It is so expressive and delicate.

My love for Oliver Jeffers and Sara fanelli remains intact.


As you can see, I have been trying to be creative.. this is my owl!

It has changed somewhat in terms of medium, although for me, i wouldnt say my ways of creating have changed, just taken a step back, i still combine computer references, but i like to be much more hands on, to get involved with my work and express myself. i tend to now create with a paintbrush in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other. Having been through a pretty rocky period, my habits and everything else for that matter have changed somewhat, hopefully there will be a developmental period, and who knows, my work may choose another path, yet again i dare say..

we shall see..