Following on from the self-initiated brief, I followed the same practice, with the cut and paste technique, collected ephemera and photographs to create these mixed media juxtapositions. the cover over all works in a number of ways better than the other two. the type has been purposely integrated within the image and not simply just placed. The colour scheme is continued from that of the last brief, but working with one or two colours and their tones instead of an array of colours. The cover has been more considered in terms of placement and consideration of space, I like the incorporation of a silhoutte object or figure within my work and also flat blocks of shape. being informed by illustrators such as Jim Flora. I was also looking into the work of Rodchenko from the constructivist movement. I admire his photography just as much as his photomontage, and the way he captured his subjects from alternate angles.
Love this book cover its atmospheric!