Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Gary P and 'Durutti Column' album Covers!

I have always been over fond of the work of Gary Prendergast! At last i'm finally informing you of it! Particularly his cut and paste technique, which is where the technique behind my illustrations emerged from. This first came about, when working with Gary for a while in the second year, when creating an artist book! After being informed of this technique, the project somehow fell into place, and I have only very recently been working with this cut and paste way of working, referenced within the 'Location brief'. I utilised this technique with a slightly different means of communication and became more computer reliant as opposed to Gary who maintains the aesthetic touch within his work. Yet I feel this way of working suits me best! I also had a quick peak at an influence that Gary P mentioned in his blog, (as you can see from the image below) and again fell in love with the work. This is a link featuring some of the music covers for the 'Durutti Column'. 

I spoke to Gary P, not too long ago about his work, discussing the issue that once these 3D juxtaposed creations were finished, how would you then generate them to become an Illustration, maintaining the aesthetic? This too, was a topic i discussed within my journal as the majority of illustrations are computer generated or rendered. After experimenting on the photocopier, which has now become a key element in my generation of work, darkening and lightening areas as much as I could so you can still visibly clarify that there has been a cut and paste technique used, I then scanned this in and cropped various areas, utilising photoshop tools to find the best outcome when overlapping the 'cut and paste' ephemera and the computer generated illustration.


1 comment:

  1. He's a lovely boy. He works here you know!
    he also speaks very highly of you Sarah

